Sunday, January 26, 2014


You're proud that you've finally mastered the art of making an eye splice.
How to make an eye splice

Some instructions say to use masking tape, I like electrical tape because it comes off easier.

Completed, it looks something like this.

Then you take the tape off and you have feathery ends.

You could whip these ends, but that's inconvenient. It's easier to use a soldering gun on them.

The trouble with the soldering gun is that it's very challenging to end up with something neat, that isn't burnt or sharp. I especially dislike the hard, sharp edges that can result from using heat because they often scratch when I handle the line.

I've experimented with stuff that can be applied to the feathery ends to make them neat, keep them from unraveling and will be easy on my hands. My favorite stuff is a water cleanup glue. I can rub it into the line with my fingers and roll my fingers clean without water or solvent. It's even fun getting the stuff off your hands.

Sometimes I can't quite get the feathery stuff to lay right against the rest of the line. When this happens I goop up the feathers and take off the excess, then do a wrap with a piece of electrical tape.

In a few minutes I have the perfect splice that's easy on the hands.

I think the new package looks like this.

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