I bought a small vacuum pump from Amazon.

I used a small electric brake breakaway battery I had on hand like this one.

A 1/2 gal Wide Mouth Mason Jar for the used oil...
You'll also need:
About 6" of 1/4" OD copper tubing.
About 24" of 3/8" OD clear tubing
About 5' of .315 OD hard (ice maker) tubing.
And you can probably take it from here?
If not ---
Cut off about 2" of the copper tubing. The 2 and 4" pieces will be soldered to the Mason Jar lid after you drill 1/4" holes in the lid.
I used a heavy washer for reinforcement but it's not absolutely necessary on the lid. I soldered the tubing to the washer and epoxied the assembly to the lid...'cause I tend to be a little careless and this will give me a little more durability? If you do solder, focus the heat on the copper or you might melt the sealing ring on the cap.
Wire up the pump with a switch. I had this lighted switch on hand, but a simple toggle would work just as well.
Stick the hard tube in the fill hole and turn on the pump.
I will make a nice container with a handle for the rig, but for now this plastic box serves the purpose and it's quite easy to manage.
And yes, I do have a larger commercial model for the car and boat, but it's is cumbersome and finniky.